The Options Trading Hall of Fame

We are launching the Options Trading Authority “Hall of Fame” for students who have obtain extraordinary achievements: Fill Out the Form at the Bottom of this Page to Submit Your Own Success Story!


These are successes reported to us by students.  Please see below for inspiration purposes.  We have not nor can not verify the accuracy unless a student gives their trading account login which they usually and understandably don’t.  But we believe these success stories from our students to be true.

Consider allowing your self to get competitive using these reports to expand your imagination on the possibilities in trading, as well as to achieve and surpass these stories below.   Then send us your success stories above.  (Tip:  Most if not all of these students below became successful when they stopped fighting the trading system.  When they started to do the system they made progress quickly).

Most students ask remain anonymous besides their Initials.  Why?  Well go ahead and make a million bucks in a few months and go tell your friends and family.  See what happens!   That said, when you start trading up for Benz’s and Ferrari’s someone’s going to notice…


Mike Tells Us How Marched His Account from $30,000 to $500,000 and Gives Us the Exact Day He Plans to Hit $1,000,000 Which is Within 7 Months…

May, 2010

“I just made back the entire cost of the system in my first two positions that were half orders  I bought puts on IBM and BBY yesterday late morning and cashed out this morning for a quick double on both of them. Thing is, had I gone normal size ($3,000 per order), I would have made $6,000, but I am learning so I went small. Very nice way to start, I really like the system! Thanks again!

Michael”… 5 Days Later…

“…All anyone wants is a good simple system for making money (by the way, I made $13,000 this morning and cashed out

If you give us the meat of the system, short and sweet with enough explanations…Aug 18 Update regarding a clever tweak done using this system:… .I should have turned $30,000 [started in may of same year] into $1,000,000 by December 13th just using that system, so I will definitely keep you updated…



LH Makes $240,000 in One Week…

Aug, 2010:

“I just wanted to let you know that System B caught that Potash move this morning! I am rich!!!!!
Thank you so much for giving me this freedom! I don’t know how to
express my gratitude! I hope someday I can repay your kindness for
sharing this system! ”

I ended up buying 100 contracts at 1.22 and got out at 25.30 and
slightly broke some money management rules but not that bad. 100
contracts is alot for me but I just got so tired of being a wuss and
being scared all the time and I figured I just have to do it. I’m
definitely feeling the “crack high” but I’m completely out of the
position. I’ve been doubting the system, and maybe my ability to
trade the system for awhile, thinking that it was too good to be
true. I now (finally!) have to accept that this system works. I was
worried it was all a scam in the beginning! I have listened to all
of Chris’s audios so I remember him saying to own some stuff and pay off debts.
I just have to pay off my car and I will put the rest in
the bank. You can use whatever testimonial you would like. You
guys are amazing and I’m so thankful for this good fortune.”


R.P. with the Assist of JackPOT System D Options signals service made a series of killer scores as seen below:

See PRIME2 Signals for an available options signals service.

As for the highlights, the top of the list for me would be buying GS puts for 23 cents per contract and selling them for over $4 back in August.  😉 [pocketing over $50,000 on the move]

OPEX Stock Trade Bought Sold


AAPL 330 Calls




NFLX 225 Calls




GOOG 485 Calls




AAPL 335 Calls




AAPL 365 Calls




GS 100 Calls




NFLX 72.5 Calls




Story of “YS” who wishes to remain anonymous.  He took $300,000 and ran it to $2,000,000 with OMNI11 on Forex Pairs and U7 (he did mostly on stocks GOOG and AAPL) according to what he emailed us:

“Experience Trading Binary Options: In Months

10 months

Profits Made from Your Binary Options Trading:


Profits Made from Trading Binary  Options AUTHORITY’s Binary Options Systems:

Omni11 and Sriker9  pro and U7 ~  $1,500,000.00


Like to try the syste having good success with the z2 [U7] system.

Trade currencies and google and apple.

I really appreciate your systems my account grew from $300k to $2,000,000 in less than 8 months I was doing good before your system I’m doing excellent with your gave me Moore confidance Thanks a million, you have changed my life Regards YS”

See statements YM sent us for proof:

Your story goes here!

Fill Out This Form with Your Options Trading Success Story!